Category: Toronto

  • The Epic is Made Up of the Tiny

    The Epic is Made Up of the Tiny

    If you haven’t read Colum McCann’s novel Let the Great World Spin, I highly recommend you do. It’s one of my favourite finds of the last ten years. I’d lend you my copy, but it’s sitting on someone’s bookshelf in Vancouver where it’s likely to, unfortunately, remain unread. The Irish born and raised author lives…

  • Henry Moore, Two Large Forms

    Henry Moore, Two Large Forms

    Two Large Forms is located in the Grange Park at the back of the Art Gallery of Ontario and adjacent to the OCADU. You can learn more about it in a little feature the AGO posted.

  • Transit: A Toronto Tale

    Transit: A Toronto Tale

    I grew up in Toronto, then spent a bunch of years in Vancouver, and came back just before the pandemic. Vancouver is a small city, and I didn’t have much of a relationship with transit there–a couple of buses I took regularly, but outside of that I spent way more time on a bike, and…

  • Doug Ford, Bike Lanes and the Truth

    Doug Ford, Bike Lanes and the Truth

    I’m a cyclist first–it’s how I self identify. I rode to work in Vancouver pretty steadily for 10 years. My mileage was down a bit this year for a few reasons (you can find me on Strava if you want to check) and working from home had a huge impact, but’s what I am.…

  • Power Plant Gallery – November 2024

    Power Plant Gallery – November 2024

    The Power Plant Gallery in Harbourfront has been a favourite place in the city for a long time–it opened when I was in high school, and offered a more contemporary take on art than the juggernaut of the Art Gallery of Ontario (which I also love, and have had an on-again-off-again membership at.) Admission to…